lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Reading a world to explore.

Reading is wonderful, I love read, reading enriches us and fills us with many knowledges.
  the pleasure of reading tips:


  • to feed our curiosity.
  • to distract us.
  • to inform us. 

  • To feed our curiosity:  There is no better author than the trap us with its history. For this reason reading is to satisfy our spirit, curiosity is what leads us to read and to nurture, we feed both our intellect.
  • To distract us: The reading often takes us out of our context and transported us incredible places. Through reading we leave the routine that prevents us from being creative.
  • To inform us: Reading, also serves to let us know the ways of thinking from different periods, acontesimientos and lifestyles. Through reading or even know our history we often feel the future.

1 comentario:

  1. i do not like to much read but there are some fantastic books that I READ.I LIKE HISTORIES ABOUTADVENTURE OR ROMANTIC THAT GIVE US A VERY GOOD MESSAGE.
